Our Approach

Business Focus

We make it easy to quickly access business support. We look for businesses undergoing substantial change or those facing critical challenges that need immediate focus. 


When considering funding we will look at debt or equity investment structures. We are also potential purchasers for those wishing to sell a business.


Preferred Process

Our approach will depend on your needs.


Our services are practical. They are designed to improve performance and productivity in the real world.


If investing, we prefer to have an active advisory or managerial interest. However, we recognise there will be occasions where this approach does not provide any benefit, in which case we will then consider funding only.


Process Strengths

We look at you as an individual not as a project or set process.


We are fast but we do not take shortcuts or unnecessary risks. Our approach is rigorous and careful.


Whether you ultimately use us or not, we will provide useful feedback to help your future activity.

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